Garden Rendezvous – Peninsula Wrought Iron

Peninsula Wrought Iron 8/4 Cannery Court, Tyabb, Victoria, Australia

Blacksmith demonstration and a garden wander to view some of their installations ‘in situ’.

Garden Rendezvous – The Green Olive

The Green Olive 1180 Mornington Flinders Road, Main Ridge, Victoria, Australia

Meet for coffee and a tour of the kitchen garden and olive grove.

RHGS Meeting – Autumn Show

A member's garden (TBA) Victoria, Australia

The show has an underlying theme of recycling/repurposing/reusing/rescued. For example, recycled containers, rescued plants etc. • Deadline for entries 6pm, Tuesday 23 April • Send scanned entry form to, or post to PO Box 309 Brighton or by phone to Deb Collett on 9593 1944. • Entry form and Schedule will be on this … Continue reading RHGS Meeting – Autumn Show

Garden Rendezvous – Elise Murch’s Garden in Red Hill

Elise Murch 32 Beauford Road, Red Hill, Victoria, Australia

Elise has created a lovely garden with a water feature, for the enjoyment of friends and guests to her popular BnB. The renovated garden is about six years old, previously it had no open areas for light, feature trees or garden beds. Elise has planted a drought tolerant garden, using succulents to help cope with … Continue reading Garden Rendezvous – Elise Murch’s Garden in Red Hill


Monthly Meeting – ‘Gardens in Chile’ talk by John Patrick

A member's garden (TBA) Victoria, Australia

Landscape Architect (and past ABC ‘Gardening Australia’ presenter). John also has vast experience in leading tour groups to visit gardens all around the world and he is a natural raconteur.