
Why join the Red Hill Gardening Society (RHGS)?

The RHGS provides a cornucopia of goodies for their members for very little cost.

Trading Table

Members can buy all manner of garden produce, plants, seeds, and gardening bric-a-brac at our trading tables for a fraction of what you would normally pay at a retail outlet. You know that whatever you buy is likely to have come from a carefully cultivated source and sometimes is rare.

Expert Advice

Our speakers are invited because they are experts. The topics are chosen by our members and the presentation is given voluntarily. Members can ask questions one on one. What better access to knowledge across the spectrum of gardening preferences represented by our members?


Our members share in a variety of ways to inform and inspire. This happens during the regular meetings in a structured way.

You can view the best blooms, floral art and pot plants our members have gleaned each month. Talk to the gardener and find out the variety and cultivation. You might be given a seed, cutting or bulb when the time is right!

Over a cuppa, many a friendship is formed and an interesting yarn is given while munching a favourite recipe or garden glut preserve idea.

We have a Resources page on our website where anything worth sharing will be uploaded.

Garden Visits

We aim to provide our gardeners with examples of the real deal. Interesting and inspiring gardens and nurseries are regularly visited as part of our ‘Garden Rendezvous’ program. There’s nothing like talking to the gardener about their tips and hints, seeing a new way of doing things or discovering a delightful plant to source for a space in your garden.


Members can access information about upcoming nursery and garden promotions, useful sources for gardening gear. Just check the Notice and Events Board at our meetings.

Our reference library holds volumes on important topics for those not able to access the internet, or who prefer to hold a book.


With folk looking to keep up their skills and knowledge, volunteering is a wonderful donation to the RHGS. If you are of the ‘Turnip’ variety, that is Turn Up and help, then we need you. Think of the skills you have and there will be something you can do in small or significant ways to enhance our vibrant gardening society. It’s satisfying to be part of the team.

Have a Voice

Participate in the decisions that determine the direction the society chooses to go by voting at our AGM’s or at other times as required.

How can I become a member?

We encourage you to come along to a few events and experience what we have to offer. If you feel that this is for you then please contact the Secretary at for further membership information.

How much does membership cost?

An initial joining fee of $30 applies to cover first year membership, a name badge, and administration.
Thereafter, annual membership is $25 per year.

How do I pay my membership?

Payment can be made in cash directly to the Treasurer at a meeting, or by a direct deposit facility with a bank. Details are available from the Secretary at

When is membership normally due?

Membership is due in October at the time of our AGM.