Monthly Meeting – ‘Gardens in Chile’ talk by John Patrick
A member's garden (TBA) Victoria, AustraliaLandscape Architect (and past ABC ‘Gardening Australia’ presenter). John also has vast experience in leading tour groups to visit gardens all around the world and he is a natural raconteur.
Garden Rendezvous – Gippsland Spring Bus Trip
Gippsland Spring Bus Trip to view some very special gardens. Suggested itinerary TBC: • Barambah Garden and Winery in Jindivik, pictured above. • Country Farm Perennials Nursery & Garden in Nayook • Cannibal Creek Winery and Garden in Tynong North Cannibal Creek web site Further confirmation and booking details will soon be provided.
Annual General Meeting
A member's garden (TBA) Victoria, AustraliaWith annual reports from our President and office bearers. Current members will have the opportunity to vote on the nominations for the 2019-2020 Committee. Nominations will be taken in the week prior to the October meeting, please speak to Christine or other committee members about your interest in serving on the committee. NB: Committee tenure … Continue reading Annual General Meeting
RHGS Christmas Party
A member's garden (TBA) Victoria, AustraliaPlease come and enjoy a Christmas get together to celebrate another wonderful year. Festivities start at 10am. Please bring a plate of your favourite Christmas treats to share. Contact Secretary at for directions.
Visit: Deb Collet’s Garden
Deb Collett will provide a talk and tour of her beautiful garden which features dahlias. Bring a plate for morning tea, your keep cup and a chair. Address details will be sent in an email closer to the time. NB: The meeting will not proceed if it’s a Total Fire Ban day.
Garden Rendezvous: Visit to the Mornington Men’s Shed Garden
Mornington Men's Shed 43 Mitchell Street, Mornington, Victoria, AustraliaPlease join us to see the garden at the Men's Shed. Parking nearby to the Scout Hall. Please BYO coffee cup. NB: There will be a shopping opportunity.
Meeting: Jill Holmes-Smith on Peonies
The Mechanics Hall Mechanics Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, AustraliaJill Holmes-Smith has agreed to step in at short notice and provide a presentation about the world of Peonies. Jill will also have on hand some of her plants and cards for sale. Jane Varkulevicius is unfortunately unable to make her planned presentation about pruning techniques, we look forward to hearing her speak at some … Continue reading Meeting: Jill Holmes-Smith on Peonies
Event: Red Hill Show
Red Hill Showgrounds Red Hill Recreation Reserve, Red Hill, Victoria, AustraliaElise is the Show Steward of the Flower Pavilion of the Red Hill Agricultural Show and RHGS is happy to donate a $50 cash prize for a special entry. The flower display schedule will be advertised when it’s confirmed. Our members are encouraged to enter exhibits Including floral art. There will also be an opportunity … Continue reading Event: Red Hill Show
Dirk Jansen on Koala Conservation
Zoom Victoria, AustraliaOur speaker will be Dirk Jansen from the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation Land Care group. His group has two main goals: increasing awareness in the community and increasing koala habitat. 70% of koala habitat is on private land and so the koalas depend on land owners coming together to improve the situation as the small … Continue reading Dirk Jansen on Koala Conservation
2020 Annual General Meeting
ZoomDue to the current health restrictions, this year’s AGM will be held virtually via zoom on 23 October. The zoom platform will allow you to ask questions and vote during the meeting. The business of the meeting will be to elect the office holders and committee and to accept the President’s and Treasurer’s Reports. The … Continue reading 2020 Annual General Meeting