Garden Rendezvous – Jo Oates’ Garden

267 Red Hill Road, Red Hill South 267 Red Hill Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia

Jo and Geoff have very kindly invited us to visit their garden at 267 Red Hill Road, Red Hill South on Friday 23 Sept 2022 from 10 am. (Next door to Port Philip Estate winery.) We’ll be car pooling from the Mechanics Hall at 9.45am to minimise parking issues. Traffic guides will assist at the … Continue reading Garden Rendezvous – Jo Oates’ Garden


RHGS Annual General Meeting

The Mechanics Hall Mechanics Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia



RHGS Member Meeting

The Mechanics Hall Mechanics Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia

This is our regular monthly meeting. This month we'll be hearing from Claire Dash. So 200 acres of land on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula isn’t big in farming terms. But the contribution that 200 acres could make to community and environment now and for future generations is beyond huge! Clair Dash has been running Cherry Road … Continue reading RHGS Member Meeting


RHGS Garden Rendezvous

We will meet in the garden of member Alex Castles - further details will be provided prior to the event.


RHGS Member Meeting

The Mechanics Hall Mechanics Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia

This is our regular monthly meeting. Vasili Kanidiadis (better known as Vasili) will be a special guest speaker.  A small donation to help with costs will be welcome.


RHGS Member Meeting

The Mechanics Hall Mechanics Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia

This is our regular monthly meeting. We will be welcoming Julie Prent again. She last spoke to us via Zoom during the Covid 19 pandemic. We look forward to Julie speaking about Perennials, amoung other things. More details soon.


Meeting Friday 19th February.

267 Red Hill Road, Red Hill South 267 Red Hill Road, Red Hill South, Victoria, Australia

Speaker from Chooktopia Composting Community Further details Note link to Mornington Peninsula Shire rate payers for a part subsidy for some products.