NEXT RHGS MEETING – Friday 26 April @10.00am
Venue: Mechanics Hall, Red Hill
AGM Guest Speaker: TBA
Morning Tea: Please bring your contribution to morning tea table to share, plus your own mug for tea or coffee
Don’t forget: To bring your contributions of produce and floral art to display, some coins and small notes for the Raffle and there will be Trading Table items to purchase!
Recent Meetings
23 February – Composting
Our February meeting was graced by a presentation by Rachelle??? from Chooktopia and Compost Community about all manner of things to help with Composting. We were also treated to a big “Show and Tell”, with many composting bits of kit available at discounted prices promoted by Mornington Peninsual Shire Council. You can find details for their offerings at the Compost Community site, part of Chooktopia.
Composting kit available through “Compost Community”.

And here we are enjoying one of the best parts of each meeting!

Upcoming Meetings and Events
May – Di Otto, the vegie garden at Coolart???
Friday 24 May @ Mechanics Hall
Lawns or Pizza Ovens
Friday 23 August @ Mechanics Hall
Fytogreen – Wall Gardens
Friday 27 September @ Mechanics Hall
Garden Tour – Cloudhill and Rhododren Garden – (Lunch at Cloudhill)
Friday 25 October